Sam's Marketplace
Chairperson: Stacy McCay
Rent a Space at Silverado Days
What would Silverado Days be without lots of booths displaying crafts, jewelry, professional cookware and all those things you expect of the festival? This year we will have close to 30 booths covering the gamut of fair fun. Check out some of these items available at the festival:
- Specialty foods for sale
- Buena Park Historical Society featuring Silverado Days commemorative pins
- Local heroes from the Buena Park Police and Fire Departments with badges and photos for the kids
- Carnival novelties
- Specialty clothes, jewelry and other hand-made crafts
- Local businesses including chiropractic services, massage therapy, fortune telling
- Cabinet re modelers, Home improvement companies, Cable and Satellite resellers and more!
Don't miss a great opportunity to Promote your business to over 40,000 people
Sam's Marketplace Participation
If you have something you would like to display or sell to the community, why not rent a booth at Silverado Days? We get approximately 40,000 visitors over the week-end! There are plenty of booths left. Read our terms and conditions and fill out an application today by clicking on one of the links below. Costs are as follows:
- Commercial Vendors - $500 for the entire 3-day event
- Craft Vendors - $300 for the entire 3-day event (or $150 for a single day - you pick the day)
It’s first come, first served. We reserve the right to reject ideas for inappropriate booths.