2024 Silverado Days Grants

Silverado Days has generated over $1.4 million in Grants awarded since Silverado Days in 1972.  These funds are given back to the community in grants for schools, city projects, parks and many other service projects.  To apply for a grant, complete the application below.

The Grant Luncheon date and location is TBD and is by invitation only (all grant recipients will be contacted and will receive a formal invitation)

All grant applications are due no later than December 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM via this website form.  Incorrect or missing information may invalidate the application.

Silverado Days Grant Application

Applying Group or Organization


Project Details

Describe Organization or Group, with regards to purpose, and type of community related services provided or performed:

Describe proposed program or project for which grant is to be used:

Projected total cost of program/project described ($):

Has your organization/group previously received Silverado Days Grant Funding?  If YES, enter the year(s) and amount(s) of funding (eg, "2008, $5000"):

This is a captcha-picture. It is used to prevent mass-access by robots. (see: www.captcha.net) Entering the letters in the above image acts as your signature.