International Food Court

Chairman: Priscilla Perez

Conveniently located near the main stage, the food court offers a wide variety of menu items ranging from ethnic specialties from Korea and China to American staples including hamburgers, hot dogs, tacos, philly cheese steak, pizza, baked potatoes, and corn on the cob. Top off your meal with a funnel cake or soft serve ice cream. All sales support local nonprofit organizations such as schools and community outreach programs.

Food Booth Participation:

If you are interested in running a Food Booth for your non-profit organization, fill out the form below.  Our Food Booth Chairman will be in contact with you to arrange the details or answer any further questions.  The fee is $500.00. Your participation is valued.

Get your spot in our food court early ... space runs out quickly!

Booth Registration

Food Booth Agreement

This Agreement is made and entered into this day, Monday, March 31, 2025, by and between the Buena Park Noon Lions Club and the non-profit organization named on this application, whose scope of efforts include charitable and/or community service programs/projects benefiting in whole or in part residents of the city of Buena Park, California, and/or residents of the greater West Orange County (California) area, and whose activities as stipulated hereunder provide funds for said efforts; (hereinafter referred to a participant), and the Buena Park Noon Lions Club, a non-profit corporation and administrator of Silverado Days (hereinafter referred to as BPNLC).

Participant proposes to assume the responsibility of staffing, operating, and managing a booth.  Participant stipulates that the goods, services, or activities offered at said booth shall be limited by the stated "Booth Description" on this application. Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing stipulations by the participant and subject to the following terms and conditions, BPNLC grants that authorization noted hereunder, and participant accepts same, on the following terms and conditions:

  1. Participant shall be authorized to operate the above named/described activity at a site provided by BPNLC at William Peak Park, hereby defined as space #______ (to be determined later) for a participation fee of $500.00. Said participation fee shall be due and payable upon submission and execution of the Agreement. Participation Fees shall be paid by check, money order, or PayPal, payable to/or drawn in favor of BPNLC-Silverado Fund.
  2. Participants MUST attend two meetings prior to the event. The first meeting will be 60 days prior to the event and the second 30 days prior to Silverado Days. Meetings will be scheduled by the Food Court Chairman. In addition to the participants, representatives of the Orange County Health Department, Orange County Fire Authority, the City of Buena Park and members of the administrative organization BPNLC will be in attendance. Participants must bring Non-Profit documentation as directed by the Chairman. Participants are responsible for obtaining Health permits. Applications and assistance will be available at the above meeting.
  3. The Food Booth must be manned during all Operating Hours.
  4. BPNLC shall supply the booth, illumination, and electrical service.
  5. Electrical cords shall be limited to commercial type 12-3 Minimum - NO EXCEPTIONS.
  6. No facilitation, other than the booth illumination or electrical service is provided by the BPNLC or the City of Buena Park. This includes but is not limited to tables and chairs.
  7. BPNLC shall provide two vender passes to the participant during the above noted mandatory meeting. Any other considerations such as deliveries should be coordinated with the Food Court Chairman in advance of the need.
  8. BPNLC provides drink service via a beverage distributor. Use of the provider is by and between the designated distributor and the participant. Participants shall pay for the beverages ordered in advance of the event. Checks should be payable to the distributor.
  9. Selling price for beverages shall be consistent throughout the food court.
  10. The Food Court area is a NO SMOKING area, and there are NO OPEN FLAMES allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  11. Participants shall operate the above named/described activity on the dates and at the times noted below:
    • Friday, October 17 from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm
    • Saturday, October 18 from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm
    • Sunday, October 19 from Noon to 10:00 pm
  12. Vendors may at their own discretion open earlier than the required time commitment, but are required to be open during the hours shown in item 11.
  13. All rules, regulations and conditions set forth hereof established as an integral part of the terms and conditions of this agreement, and in executing this document all parties thereto express their total concurrence.
  14. The Silverado Committee Established by the BPNLC is established as the administering party to this Agreement, and participant agrees to abide by the policies of its Chairman or Designee thereof.
  15. Payment for the Food booth shall be made by PayPal or Check. Prepayment and deposits are non-refundable within 30 days of the event for cancelations.
  16. Participant  shall defend, indemnify and hold the BPNLC, Lions Clubs International, the City of Buena Park, and affiliated entities, its respective directors, trustees, officers, employees, and agents harmless from and against all liability, loss, expense, (including reasonable attorney’s fees) for claims for injury or damages arising out of the performance of the agreement, specifically, but without limitation, all claims, losses and injuries or damages caused by or result from the operations, negligent acts, or intentional acts or omissions of the participant/s, its officers, employees or agents.
  17. BPNLC reserves the right to decline or prohibit any activity or any proposed activity or proposed activity operator not approved by it, and to permit only such activities as it may approve. This reservation includes but is not limited to persons, conduct, foodstuffs, things, printed matter advertising, and all else which is deemed to effect the Silverado Days celebration.
  18. No activity will be allowed to initiate until all preliminary requirements herein set forth have been complied with.  Failure of the BPNLC to insist in any one or more instances upon the observance and or performance of any of these rules and regulations shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of such rules and regulations.
  19. BPNLC will provide security service and will exercise reasonable precaution for the protection of the property of the Participant, but shall assume no responsibility for loss or damage to the property of the participant.

Silverado Days

By: Buena Park Noon Lions Club Inc.
Chairman: Priscilla Perez
Title: Food Booth Chairman
Address: P.O. Box 6782
City, State, Zip: Buena Park, CA 90622


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